Announcement of extension application to the membership of Sawyan network
Dear CSOs and grassroots organisations, youth and women’s voluntary teams in Idlib Governorate.
We are pleased at Kids Paradise, in partnership with the Friends of Children Organization (AiBi), to announce the extension of applying for membership in the Local Development Network in Idlib Governorate under (Network Together).
Sawyan Network aims to:
1. Information-sharing on humanitarian needs and service aspects in Idlib governorate, according to the information available to the members of the network and mobilizing as well as advocating to meet these needs at all levels.
2. Experiences-exchanging and sharing success stories and good practices from the previous and current projects that implemented by the members of the network.
3. Sharing capacity building opportunities with the members of the network to contribute in the empowerment of administrative and volunteer staff.
4. Increasing coordination, cooperation and networking among the members of the network to save efforts, time and cost, avoid duplication and reach the largest possible number of families and the most vulnerable individuals.
5. Joint work for funding opportunities and applying for them in the form of consortium to meet the needs of the current stage in northwest Syria and the priorities of donors in various sectors.
The entities that can apply for network membership?
1. Syrian civil society grassroots organizations operating in Idlib governorate.
2. Youth and women volunteer teams working in Idlib governorate.
The conditions for joining Sawyan network: The organization or team should be
Operating within Idlib governorate.
Having a clear profile that includes their mission, vision, and goals.
Preference for having a registration in Syria and/or Turkey
Preference for having a field office.
We ask the CSOs and voluntary youth and women teams interested in applying for membership of Sawyan network to respond to this link
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact and inquire at
mobile number: +90 537 744 76 08
Email: [email protected]
Sawyan Network Board